Motherhood Is the Greatest Joy and the Greatest Teacher

Motherhood Is the Greatest Joy and the Greatest Teacher

Conversations on motherhood with Daphne, our Brand Manager and mother of Leo ❤️

What does motherhood mean to you?

Motherhood is the greatest joy and the greatest teacher I’ve had to date. To love, to be loved, and to get to share life in this capacity feels so out-worldly, yet so natural and intrinsic at the same time. 

Your best health advice for moms?

I don’t like giving mothers advice as everyone’s journey is so vastly different. But if we are talking about health, more as a “note to self” than a piece of “advice”, I’d say let’s all remember that the best health/beauty potion or best “medicine” can often be sleep! When you can, get yourself sleep!

What is your favorite go-to recipe for busy days?

It might sound “promotional” but the Inika Plantshakes have really saved my mornings. I love spending the 15-20 minutes it takes me to prepare fruit smoothies for breakfast, but daily routines make it impossible to do that every day. I now love having a Plantshake instead - beats the quick bowl of cereal I was otherwise resorting to, and I still get everything I love about smoothies out of it: yummy fruity goodness, and a nutritious energy boost to kickstart my day in no time! 

What has been the most challenging part of motherhood for you?

Dealing with guilt whenever I choose to do something for myself. It is a challenge that I am sure many mothers deal with constantly. Does anyone know if it gets better? ;)

And the most rewarding?

Motherhood really is all about rewards: you just can’t not feel proud or blessed or happy when watching a human grow and develop every day, while having in the back of your head that you are having some part of it! 

What are you the proudest of in your motherhood journey?

Is it too cliché to say that the proudest part of my motherhood journey is my son, himself? It is the truth!


Share a motherhood mantra you live by.

Every child is different, every parent is different, every family is different: comparisons are pointless and so is not following your own gut when it comes to your motherhood journey!


Inika Superfoods

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