Inika Superfoods - March 29th, 2023

Tussilago - The Yellow Wonder Flower

Tussilago - The Yellow Wonder Flower

"If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change." - Buddha

One of the early signs of spring is the emerging of the beautiful yellow flowers tussilago, also known as coltsfoot.  Many people believe this flower to be a symbol of new beginnings, bringing with it new growth and the promise of renewal.

This cheerful flower not only looks stunning, but it has been used for centuries particularly for respiratory problems. Today we will learn more about the uses of Tussilago in traditional medicine, cultural and spiritual history.

Tussilago in ancient times

The tussilago flowers are native to Europe and Asia, and they have a long history of use since ancient times. They were highly valued by the ancient Greeks, who used the flowers to treat respiratory ailments. In fact, the very plant’s genus name “Tussilago farfara” translates to “cough dispeller” in latin.

The Romans and Chinese also used Tussilago as a remedy for coughs and congestion, making the flower highly valued in many ancient cultures.

Traditional Medicine

Tussilago flowers, leaves, and roots contain several active compounds such as flavonoids, terpenoids and mucilage. The traditional uses in medicine are diverse, but its main purpose has always been related to respiratory problems such as cough, asthma, and bronchitis. 

Due to its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, it's also been used to treat different skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, as well as alleviating headaches, menstrual cramps and digestive issues.

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Mystical and spiritual properties

Tussilago has been used in many rituals and practices all throughout history, and appears as a prominent symbol mainly in Celtic and Norse mythology. It was believed to be a symbol of strength, courage and protection. The beautiful bright yellow petals were seen as a representation of the sun, the formidable source of power and energy. Many also believed that tussilago had the power to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.

Nowadays, the tussilago flower is still used in different spiritual practices, with many people believing that it can help to bring clarity and focus, and with this allowing you to tap into your intuition and wisdom.

Tussilago uses

If you are feeling a bit under the weather, tussilago might be a good tool to help you get back on your feet. These flowers are a natural expectorant, meaning they can help loosen the much annoying mucus and phlegm in your chest thus making it easier for you to breathe. Here are two different ways you can use Tussilago:

Herbal tincture

One way to make use of these wild flowers is by making a herbal tincture. For this, you can use both the flowers and its leaves. Start by submerging them in alcohol for a few weeks, strain, and in result you will have a powerful medicine. You can then be adding a few drops of the tincture to your favorite herbal tea.

Flower tea

This one is pretty straight forward, you can simply steep the flowers and leaves in hot water for a minute. Either fresh or dried flowers can work just as well.

Tussilago oil

To make tussilago oil, take the flowers without the root or leaves and infuse them in a carrier oil of your choice, this can be for example jojoba or almond oil. Let it sit for a few weeks, after this you can use it as a massage oil to soothe the skin, or add it to your bath for a relaxing soak.

Mother nature has so many gifts to offer us, and tussilago is a powerful and versatile flower that we all can incorporate in our lives. Whether you are looking for something to soothe your cough or simply tap into your inner wisdom, this flower might be just what you need.

Inika Superfoods

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