Inika Superfoods - May 5th, 2024

5 Superfoods to Fuel Your Mind

5 Superfoods to Fuel Your Mind

May marks the beginning of Mental Health Awareness Month, and in the universe of holistic health, mind is one of the main pillars of wellbeing. At Inika we see all these aspects of health being deeply interconnected, and since our love language is food,  we want to honor this month by diving into the amazing health benefits superfoods can have in our minds.


Widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries, the ashwagandha root has gained popularity in the western world in recent years - and with good reason. Ashwagandha contains several bioactive compounds such as alkaloids, flavonoids, and withanolides, all of these which are known to have a range of health benefits, including reducing inflammation, boosting immune function, and improving brain function.

But probably the most acclaimed benefit of Ashwaghanda is its effects on stress and anxiety.  Ingesting it can help regulate our cortisol levels, so if you want to reach that zen state., consuming ashwagandha in a daily supplement such as The Alchemy of Joy might be just what you need.

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Packed with antioxidants, these little blue gems have big benefits, such as protecting our brain cells from damage and keep our brains happy and healthy. They are also high in flavonoids, which have been shown to improve cognitive function and memory. Get your daily dose of blueberries and many other amazing superfoods in our soulful plantshake Blueberry Forest.

Dark Chocolate

Who says chocolate is only good for your tastebuds? Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids and polyphenols, which have been shown to have positive effects on mood and cognitive function. Plus, it tastes delicious!


This vibrant yellow spice contains curcumin, a compound that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It has also been linked to improved mood and cognitive function. Our Golden Milk plantshake contains turmeric in combination with ginger, cinnamon and cardamom  - a perfect ritual for grounding moments.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and collard greens are packed with nutrients such as folate, which have been shown to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression. If you're not always good at eating your greens - you can always drink them! Check out Glorious Greens to help you nurture your body with some of the world's most powerful greens.

Remember, our mental health is just as important as our physical health, and it's essential to nourish ourselves with foods that can support both. So go ahead and indulge in some delicious and nourishing superfoods, and let your mind and body thrive!

Inika Superfoods

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